Through our many successful years of business, we have developed an effective and scalable process that cares for your project from start to finish. And we’ll be here to support you long after it’s complete to help ensure ongoing effectiveness.
Define & Discover
Design & Style
Develop & Deploy
Every project begins with your vision and objectives. If you already have a strategy, great—we’ll execute it. If you don’t, we’ll work with you to develop one designed to produce results while enhancing your brand.
Define & Discover
We like to start by doing a Competitive Review as well as a Site Usability Audit, then share our findings with you. We’ll ask a lot of questions to understand the situation better, define the project’s scope and determine the best approach for making it a success.
Usage Modeling
User Experience
Information Architecture
Workshops not Meetings
We’re not a big, bloated agency with too many mouths to feed and a ton of time to kill. We’re still lean enough to be efficient but big enough to handle complex projects. That’s why most our meetings are workshops. We work hard and we work smart.
We can scale our workshops up or down to ensure that even your smaller projects begin with a clear focus and solid strategy for success
In the early Define and Discovery stages of your project we focus on three important considerations: determine how your new website site will best satisfy your user base and your business objectives; understand the communication, design, and interactive experience your users will best respond to; and ensure the content and navigation structure of your website is streamlined, coherent, and intuitive for your users.
Usage Modeling: This workshop seeks to clarify your business goals, define and understand your users, and flesh out the specifics of what they want to accomplish and what you want them to do. The results of the workshop help define the true project scope and prioritize tasks and features. It is often the case that we uncover important features not originally considered by anyone, yet reveal themselves to be instrumental in the project’s success.
User Experience: The more we understand about your audience, the better we can appeal to them. Are they more inclined to explore and discover, or will they come with deliberate objectives to gather specific information or perform a particular transaction? Or, maybe both? Our User Experience workshop helps focus our approach to how we design and build. It also helps refine content messaging and overall content presentation.
Information Architecture: Once we understand more about your goals, users, products and services, we can construct the overall framework of your website, including navigation and page content layout. The results of this workshop help us build a site map and wire frames which are used not only to inform design and build, but are also tool to help with your content development and presentation.
The design of your website often represents the most immediate impression your customers will have of who you are. It is the best opportunity to knock their socks off.
Design & Style
It is a given that design must speak to your brand and appeal to your audience, but beyond these basics, design also provides an opportunity to show the world that you are better today than you were yesterday. The design process should seek to do more than simply adhere to your brand identity, it should strive to elevate it.
Static Designs
Front-end Styling
While design should be uniquely you, our process of getting it right is as methodical as it is creative. And remember, we’re big on scalability, and the design of even smaller projects follow these 3 simple steps in the design process to ensure you get what you’re looking for, and what’s right for your business.
Concepts: The initial design concepts are the first collection of designs you will see from us. They will be based on our research of your industry and the workshop results that speak to your business objectives and your target audience. We will design key aspects of your site, the home or landing pages for example, to clarify the vision for project’s design. We’ll work with you to get this right before moving on, including providing alternative mock-ups as needed.
Static Design Collection: This process of design and revision confirms the look of your site. We present static designs for all unique pages and page components, which in turn are applied to the entire website build. We will also present some responsive screen designs to illustrate the look and feel of the site across different screen sizes.
Front-end Styling: This is where the magic happens: where the designs come to life in the working website. It’s the part of the process where we ensure that the integrity of the original design is maintained, regardless of how and where you’re viewing it. Every WordPress website design is responsive and looks good on desktop, laptop and phone screens.
We always enjoy a development challenge, but your project doesn’t have to be challenging for us to enjoy working on it. We want to build and deliver what’s right for you and for your organization.
Develop and Deploy
In the early planning stages of the project we will have defined the development requirements clearly, and much of this work will have begun alongside the design process. Wireframes are handed over to our designers and our WordPress developers at the same time, and the work runs in parallel to ensure efficiency and timely delivery.
Base Development
Custom Features
Test & Deploy
Base Development: Several setup and configuration requirements are common to almost every WordPress website build. We’ve done it a thousand times and we’ve got this work down pat. Our efficiencies in the early setup stages help us keep costs down and ensure that most of the time we spend is with the features that are unique to your requirements.
Custom Features: The custom features for your project will have been determined in the early Define and Discover stages, and will have been planned out in detail by the time their development starts. The term “custom” can refer to a wide range of features ranging from advanced functionality, such as an enhanced search, to less common features that may be specific to your vision for your site.
Quality Testing: Before releasing anything we build to the public, we conduct thorough testing to ensure that everything looks and works the way it is supposed to. And once we’re done, we advise your team to take everything for a test drive. In addition to being the time for us to correct any bugs, we also use this time to ensure you have the training you need to handle the tasks you plan to maintain after launch.
Deployment & Hosting: In the case of WordPress websites, we can deploy the site to your hosting service, but also offer hosting if you need it.
Did you really read through this entire page? Wow! There’s even more we’d like to tell you about how we work hard and smart to make every project successful. We’d love you to get in touch with us. There’s a contact form just a few pixels down.