“Design Focus” is a regular Online Friendly feature that examines well-designed sites to show how Web designers have overcome some of the challenges of their profession. Blind Barber Blind Barber is a high-end barber shop with a location in New York and one opening in LA. We think their site does a good job of communicating a business’ culture and values through very tasteful design and atmosphere, as well as a sense of fun. In this Design Focus post, we…
Tag: Typekit
Online Friendly Fonts: Six Web Typography Services

It used to be that Web designers were limited to a handful of “Web-safe” fonts, which made for predictable, if not boring, websites. Now, high-end typography is within reach of all website owners, making it possible to use nearly any font imaginable. Still, there are limits to how you can use fonts on your website. Fonts typically take hundreds of hours of work by skilled designers, and they can cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars to buy. Luckily, there…