Around the Office is a weekly group blog that shows what the team and Kobayashi Online have found interesting, funny, poignant, or otherwise notable over the past week. Imagine if the Internet were peer-reviewed. Daveed found a project this week,, which is designed to let you easily slice through misinformation online. is seeking funding to create something like as a browser plug-in for Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Chrome, which will support comments on all Web pages.…
Tag: mobile sites
Is my website mobile friendly? Three questions to ask your Web developer
Your website finally looks perfect in your Web browser — it’s the jewel of your desktop. But what about people coming to your website through mobile phones? It’s more important than ever, in fact, to have a website that’s mobile friendly. According to research from Morgan Stanley, global shipments of smartphones and tablets have surpassed those of desktop PCs and notebooks by the last quarter of 2010, and this gap will increase over the next few years. The report goes…
Design Focus: The National Film Board

“Design Focus” is a regular Online Friendly feature that examines well-designed sites to show how Web designers have overcome some of the challenges of their profession. This week’s featured site: The National Film Board The National Film Board of Canada is one of the country’s most respected institutions – this significantly raises the expectations for its website. In this post, the website experts at Kobayashi Online explain some of the challenges this site has overcome to live up to the organization’s reputation.…