4 key aspects of a brochure site

So, how does a brochure website help support your underlying business goals? In this post, we’ll provide an overview.

First – it exists.  Like a business card, a logo, and even a business name, it is one way of showing that you actually see some longevity to what you are doing.  A clear way of saying “yes indeed – I want more business!”.

You may think this should be obvious to your customers – but think of the number of businesses you have encountered that just didn’t seem to care – just didn’t give you the feeling they would even be there next year.  A website is a simple tool that can help give some solidity to your company.

Second – it gives a potential client an immediate and visual impression of your company.  With more real estate than a business card or a brochure, your website has the ability to strongly enforce your customer’s impression of you.

Finally – it gives a potential client a chance to explore your business a little, on their own terms.

Here are four things we have found are “key” to a “supportive/brochure” website:

  1. Visually it reflects your price range
    (What would yours be? high end, low cost, reasonably priced, expensive but worth it, wholesale, other…?)
  2. Says exactly what you do
    (What products or services do you offer?)
  3. Gives all your basic contact information (phone, fax, email, address)
  4. Gives a little more for those that want to suss you out a bit (company history, profile of the key players, business philosophy, portfolio/gallery).

Place this information on a website that has a reasonable amount of professional polish, and your website has now achieved goal #1 – the rest is up to you!

Have other goals for your website?

As far as what you can do to help your brochure website, next week we have an article planned about what YOU should be doing to help your website succeed.

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