
The National Nursing Assessment Service of Canada (NNAS)

The National Nursing Assessment Services of Canada approached Kobayashi + Zeitguys to help re-design and rebuild the current website to better speak to the variety of user groups that visit the site. The main objective for the new website was to investigate, determine and build a user experience interface that effectively served the primary audience of Internationally Educated Nurses seeking to register to practice nursing Canada. User Navigation Highlights One of our approaches to help international nurses discover what they…

The Miller Group

In the latter part of 2017 Kobaysahi + Zeitguys completed and launched the new website. Since that time we have branched off two sister sites for Miller Transit and Miller Waste. One of the main features of the new website has been to showcase the new contact section to help illustrate the way we user experience we are providing for users looking to navigate the vast collection of Miller Group locations and subsidiaries. All locations are mapped for visitors to…

My City of Migration: myCOM

Cities of Migration: From diversity – strength Ryerson’s Cities of Migration project posed Kobayashi + Zeitguys a problem; Building Inclusive Cities is a learning platform that facilitates education around a core urban development issue in our time; Cities that aspire to a cosmopolitan reputation on the global stage need to build diversity into their winning formula. Along with efforts to sell their particular “brand” and to compete for investors, new industries or tourism, cities are investing in welcoming strategies to attract immigrant skills,…

Better Than Code

Better Than Code is focused on helping builders lower their costs for Code compliance and differentiate their brand for consumers. approached Kobayashi + Zeitguys to help design a simple and direct website, which we ultimately built as scrolling, 5-step discovery process for what you need to do to reach Better Than Code. Design, Computer Modelling, Permit Submission, Onsite Inspections, and the final Rating Label,is essentially the flow of the single page site. In each panel includes contact button so no matter what…

New office OPEN HOUSE PARTY – May 12!

We’ve moved – and we want you to visit us in our new location to help celebrate our arrival in Danforth Village! Please join us for a BBQ/Office Warming party on Thursday May 12 between 4-9pm at Kobayashi Online – 2906 Danforth Ave at Sibley Ave. (Rain date the following day: Friday May 13, same times).   RSVP here on Facebook or by email to – hope to see you there!

We’ve moved!

After months of searching for the perfect new “home” for the Kobayashi team, we’ve returned to our roots… and are back on the Danforth in the east end of the city! Our new address is: 2906 Danforth Ave Toronto, ON M4C 1M1 In case you missed the various shenanigans from Brent et al, you just need to follow the #KOinDV hastag on Twitter (DV being Danforth Village, our new BIA!) and catch up on our adventures in the area! Ready…

How & Why you want your tweets to live longer than a fruit fly

Would you like to now more about making Twitter work with your business? Join us and BIG3 Video for our next hands-on workshop!   How to Make Meaningful Connections with Twitter When someone asks you: “Hey John, are you on Twitter?” and your response is: “Uhm, yeah, sure… I HAVE a twitter account”, then this event is for you! In the beginning Twitter can be very confusing, yet there are so many opportunities that a lot of businesses are not…